World Wellbeing Week 2024

Now in it’s fifth year, World Wellbeing Week is an amazing time to get back in touch with yourself, and explore ways of supporting the many facets of your wellbeing! This week takes place from the 24th to the 30th June.

What is World Wellbeing Week?

This week focuses on pausing, reflecting, and finding ways of exploring and supporting your wellbeing. From chatting to friends, to going for a run, to eating your favourite flavour of ice-cream – all types of wellbeing are encouraged this week!

At Changes, we wanted to explore a few ways in which you can take care of your wellbeing this week, and even find something new and fun to take part in.

Mental Wellbeing

Mental Wellbeing can look like having the ability to think clearly, cope with life stressors, and make decisions. Having the skills to manage when things feel overwhelming, but also be present in moments that are meaningful, are both a part of establishing mental wellbeing. Take a look at the ways in which you can support your mental wellbeing:

Physical Wellbeing

Being active and keeping your body moving can be an effective way of supporting physical wellbeing! Not only can movement have a positive effect on mental stimulation, but it has the ability to boost moods and increase social interaction. We have listed a few groups that can encourage a positive effect on your physical wellbeing:

Emotional Wellbeing

Having the ability to express and communicate emotions is vital for your own journey to positive mental health. Building resilience, practicing self-compassion and fostering positive ways of thinking can all aid the development of emotional wellbeing. We offer Compassion Focused Therapy and Building Self-Esteem courses for the purpose of developing a gentle and kinder self-image, as well as Relaxation Workshops to encourage calmer ways of thinking.

Social and Community Wellbeing

Making friends, having trusting people close to you and developing a sense of community can be hugely important for your quality of life, therefore increasing your social and community wellbeing. Fostering these important relationships can increase your sense of belonging, and steadily develop your communication and social skills. We have an array of safe social spaces to join if you are looking to explore your social and community wellbeing:

Taking the time to focus on your wellbeing, and what means the most to you this week is what we encourage! What can you do this week for your own wellbeing?

Take a look at what our staff do to support their wellbeing!








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