Wellbeing Walks

Note that all walking activities are currently on hold due to Covid-19 restrictions. You can still get in touch with us and we can put you on the waiting list for when we can get these started again.

Nordic Walks


Nordic walking involves using specially designed poles. It combines walking with core and upper body conditioning, similar to Nordic skiing.

The poles reduce pressure on the knees and joints and 90% of the skeletal muscles are used in Nordic walking. It is suitable for all ages and abilities and can help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

Each session starts with a warm-up and aerobic section and ends with a cool down and stretches.

We offer a:





8 weeks

How to join

If you would like to join one of our Nordic walking groups, please contact us on 0131 653 3977 or email info@changeschp.org.uk.

Buddy Walking


Sometimes, people don’t feel ready or able to join a walking group. We can match you with a Volunteer Buddy Walker who can take you on short walks to help you to get back to walking or walk more. These matchings can take place over 20 weeks and are arranged individually to cater for the needs of each person.

Unfortunately, there can be a waiting list to be matched with a buddy walker.

Get a Buddy Walker

If you would like to find out about how to get a Buddy Walker, please contact us on 0131 653 3977 or email info@changeschp.org.uk.

East Lothian Feel Good Walks and other social events

These are walks and other events, organised by volunteers and supported by Changes, that take place during the week and at weekends.

They can be booked via the East Lothian Feel Good Walks Meet-Up group site.

Contact us 0131 653 3977 or info@changeseastlothian.org