My trainee experience

Shweta Maheshwari, Trainee Counsellor

Shweta joined CHANGES is December 2019 as a counsellor in training whilst studying a Masters of Counselling in Interpersonal Dialogue at the University of Edinburgh. She completed her training hours remotely after Covid19 lockdown restrictions were imposed in March 2020. Here’s what Shweta has to say about her experience:

” At CHANGES I felt held as a trainee counsellor. In my time here I have come to explore the depths of my theoretical knowledge, extend and work on my therapeutic limits and through that come to know myself more deeply. The independence I was offered as a practitioner helped me trust in my abilities and nurture my newly emergent therapist-self. It has been both, challenging and rewarding, and what I have learnt has formed the core of my independent practice since then”.

We wish Shweta well in her next steps towards a successful career in counselling!

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